$3.99 per month until remodel is finished, then price returns to $19.99

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases


I'd rather Pay for a Full Year Here, even though you are Remodeling the Experience!

Beginning from the foundation and rise to the top! This Mentorship Includes: 

  • Never Feel Alone Again, Start with the Remodeling price of only $3.99. After the Remodel is finished (Up to 3 Months) the rate of $19.99/mo. applies.
  • Access to a Virtual Community ~ Be part of a "Tribe"
  • Soul Support Groups
  • Immerse Yourself in: Ritual, Personal Medicine, Offerings, and Prescriptions
  • Moon Magic: New and Full Moon

. . . . . and more!

* This is a self paced level, and while there will be opportunities for questions to be answered in group forums, there is no one on one support included. You will receive discounted rate for one on one sessions if desired. You have priority scheduling, and is based on availability.

This is a monthly fee to be part of the container. There is a Disclaimer in the payment section that needs to be checked. 

I will see YOU on the Other Side!

{IF you would like to be in the Mentorship, that Space is Limited and a 6-Month Commitment, Go HERE to be in the Mentorship}