The Elemental Journey Begins

September 21st

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Dive into a world where the Elementals whisper secrets of tranquility, harmony, joy, and boundless happiness. In this captivating 6-week journey, I'll be your guide to forge a deeper bond with the Elementals. Together, we'll navigate their unique frequencial energies, tackle imbalances head-on, and craft rituals that leave a lasting impact.

But this is just the beginning. As we move forward, I'll take you further into the mystical realms, exploring the Other World in all its depth, including Ancestry, Gift & Purpose, Rituals, Radical Transformations (Energetic Hiccups), Dreams, Medicine, Magic, and the power of Sharing in Community.

Drawing inspiration from my Elder, Malidoma Some', and the rich tapestry of West African Cosmology, specifically the Dagara Cosmology, we'll embark on a weekly adventure. Each step of the way, we'll enrich our spiritual interior with vibrant rituals, dreams, and meaningful conversations within our community. Join me on this enchanting voyage to discover the magic that lies within and all around us.

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 This is your invitation

At the heart of this journey is the invitation to widen your lens to the sacred.

Embarking on this path reveals how the soul can be enriched by connecting deeply with the natural world. This connection awakens an unprecedented level of closeness with your inner self, with others, and with the vibrant spark of life that unites all living creatures.

Imagine harnessing the power of Africa's indigenous spirit in your everyday life.

Signing up for 'Elemental Pathway' will equip you with the knowledge to do just that.

Cultural Insight

Gain a unique understanding of the Indigenous African spirit, the Dagara Tradition and its practical applications. Personal Medicine, Gift & Purpose, plus simple Prescriptions from the Other World.

Purposeful Learning

Our course is designed to provide knowledge that is applicable in real-world scenarios, in modernity of our current time. Connecting with the Beings of the Unseen opens a Doorway beyond the Imaginal Realm.

Exclusive Access

Pre-sign up to get early access to our course before it's officially launched, including 'Gift & Purpose" as a Bonus! That's Right!! Gift and Purpose is included as a Bonus Add-on!


the elemental pathway

As we Exploring the Elementals further, each week we will dive deeper into the magic of each Element, Elemental Beings, & specific Elemental Rituals. Crafting on your own, for self-discovery along with connecting to the other world, so that when we return for Community Connection you can share in Circle.


7 live calls



Every week, we'll come together as a community for our sessions. Each meeting is uniquely tailored to the Elemental focus of the week, lasting anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. It's important to remember that the true essence of this experience unfolds through your personal rituals and practices when you're away from the screen.

Rituals by elemental



Every week, you're encouraged to concentrate on a specific element, though you're welcome to engage with any or all elements whenever you choose. I'll provide guidance on both maintenance and 'radical' rituals, and also customize rituals to suit your unique needs and experiences.




I encourage you to start or further enhance your journey into the realm of dreams. Aligning with the elements can lead to a deeper exploration of our dreams. Throughout our time together in this immersion, I'll invite you to not only cultivate this practice but also to share your experiences and insights with the group.

sharing forum



If writing nurtures your journey, I'm offering an online space for you to process your experiences. This is entirely optional, serving both as a personal benefit and a contribution to our community. You can use it as a journal for your conversations with the elements, your ancestors, and your subconscious.

Private Community Support



We're each navigating our own self-directed paths, and we stand to gain from venturing out to perform rituals and then reconvening to reflect on our experiences. The goal is to assemble your team of elemental allies and fellow spiritual practitioners to foster, support, and elevate your spiritual growth and awakenings.

Additional Resources



You might discover a desire to deepen your connection with specific Elementals. I'm here to provide any guidance and support you may need to achieve this. Whether you're looking for books, artifacts, videos, or additional assistance with rituals, I'm ready to help you explore and strengthen these relationships.

A 7-week guided journey into the collective elemental realm

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What are the advantages of engaging with elemental forces?

Discovering Your True Self

You'll start to piece together a broader, more empowering perspective of your life, where "things start to make sense." Similar to Simba, who gazes into the water and sees his father, the Lion King, reflected back at him, you'll find significance by tapping into your ancestral lineage and the stories that have shaped you.

Mending Generational Bonds

By developing the skill to harmonize with the natural world, you'll gain continuous access to restorative energies. You'll establish a connection between yourself and the universe that surrounds you. Through recognizing imbalances, you have the power to heal not only yourself but also rejuvenate the energy within your family lineage.

Crafting a Compelling Narrative

By embracing and acknowledging your position as a lineage healer, you essentially start to reshape the narrative for both past and future generations. You disrupt patterns of trauma and renew the legacy of your family's unique magic. You transform into the Ancestor you aspire to become.

course content preview

module 01

September 21st | 1:00pm MST

Introduction ~Crafting Sacred Space

As we begin our journey into the Elemental Pathway, initiating both the Elementals along with the Subtle Elementals. In this foundational space we dive into the essence of Gift & Purpose. Opening your eyes to the Spirits of the Elements & how we too are a part of the entire echo system.

In this session, we will begin using unique energies, so that you have tools to bring your gift into this world, with purpose.

module 02

September 28th | 1:00pm MST

Fire ~ Ancestral

Fire is the First Element in the Dagara creation story. Fire is the beating heart, the life force that flows through our human experience. It is Spirit, our spirit that originated from the other world, our Ancestors. By connecting and merging our Spirit Body to our Physical Body, we then open the doors to a deeper connection & communication with our Ancestors.

module 03

October 5th | 1:00pm MST

Water ~ Peacemaker

Water is the Second Element in the Dagara creation story. Knowing that water sustains life. Is the sustenance for all of life. Being aligned with Water brings clear thinking, clarity, flow. Different types of Water contain different types of medicine & remedies.

module 04

October 12th | 1:00pm MST

Earth ~ Belonging

Earth is our home. Being a living spirit, the earth is an agent of nourishment, groundedness. The Earth anchors us. In the Dagara Cosmology, Earth is the third element in the creation story. As we leave the waters, we become embodied in the flesh.

module 05

October 19th | 1:00pm MST

Mineral ~ Connection

Mineral is the forth element in the Dagara Cosmology. Being that we are currently in a 'Mineral Year,' I thought that it would be fitting to begin the Elemental Pathway with Mineral. Mineral being a Mountain, being Connection, Community, Storytellers, the Wisdom in our Bones. So on and so forth.

module 06

October 26th | 1:00pm MST

Nature ~ Authenticity

Nature offers us the ability to be authentic, inviting us to access our own true nature. Nature is never at a standstill, and neither are we. It is within nature that we come to a place of our wyldest true-selves, but also the meeting ground of the Other World, along with the beings that dwell there.

module 07

November 2nd | 1:00pm MST

The Finale ~ the Closing

In our final session we will be integrating all of the Elemental Energies, so that you bring your magic, your medicine,  your gift into this world. Honoring your purpose as you culminate & embody your gift, sharing your brilliance for all the world to see.

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What Others Have Experienced


Tonya is insightful & very wise with her intuitive gifts. I am grateful for her guidance in a recent session. It opened my eyes to Possibilities I'd never considered before.

Maria M, Melbourne, Australia

Hi my name is Kim. I am so excited to speak on the behalf of my work & experience with Tonya Dee. I can't say that I have ever encountered someone who is so generous of her heart & spirit. I reached out when I was feeling a little desperate because I live in an area where there is horrible fires. Tonya gave me practical & clear direction that was infused with magic. 

Kim Gunderson

Start Your New Life.

Transform your life by forging a deep connection with the Elementals. Embrace the ancient wisdom and natural energies of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Nature, Mineral, Star, Clay, Ether, Wood, Metal, Sound, Light & Spirit to unlock a profound sense of harmony, balance, and empowerment.

By aligning with these fundamental forces, you can navigate life's challenges with greater ease, cultivate a deeper understanding of your true self, and manifest a reality that resonates with your highest aspirations. Discover the transformative power of the Elementals and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and profound spiritual growth.

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different payment plans




Paid Bi-Weekly

  • 6 Weekly Live Calls
  • Community Forum
  • Elemental Rituals
  • Community Connection + Observation
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Paid in Full

  • 6 Weekly Live Calls
  • Community Forum
  • Elemental Rituals
  • Community Connection + Observation
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Ancestors Speak

  • West African Divination
  • 6 Weekly Live Calls
  • Community Forum
  • Elemental Rituals
  • Community Connection + Observation
Sign Up Today

in addition

Included with this offer are three amazing bonuses

A Grimoire

A Book of Rituals along with Invocations to get you started. Plus Room for Experiential Discovery. You may Find that certain Elementals Speak to you More than Others. It is not that one is right or wrong. Sometimes there is an alternative ingredient that simply adds more flavor. 

Elemental Meditations

Connecting with Elements on your own Sacred Time. I am including the "Elemental Meditation" Series from Soliciting Solitude. Each Element carries a unique flavor, that when brought to our attention gifts us with more than often we could ever imagine.

Community Connection

You are not here by mere accident. The Other world works often in mysterious ways. Weaving the threads of fate and destiny. What brought you here, may have been the subtle nudge coming from your personal lineage. No path is right or wrong, just different.

Hi! I'm Tonya Dee.

I will be teaching you all about How to Connect with the Elementals


I've dedicated years to nurturing a deep connection with the Elementals, the cosmos, celestial entities, subtle energies - embracing indigenous healing practices, lunar insights, and more.

Embrace the Full Moon's divine magic and the awakening of your soul's harmony. Experience the upliftment of In-Spirited Divination. One thing is certain, when you embrace the extraordinary, a new book of possibilities unfolds, leading to doors you never knew existed!

In my realm, our potential knows no bounds. We possess the power to connect not only with beings from different dimensions but also from various realms beyond our own.

Why focus on Elemental Beings? Our existence is intertwined with theirs, as much as theirs is with ours. Realizing this connection is like experiencing a revelation, a moment of profound insight. Engaging with these otherworldly energies is akin to discovering the very essence of life.

By opening your heart, you'll find that the otherworld transforms into a realm of sheer, unadulterated bliss, a sanctuary you can access whenever you wish.


forces of adversity you say? That is why learning from someone who has already walked this path can be invaluable. Offering guidance that can steer you towards success. Assisting you to avoid pitfalls that I have encountered.



Additional Testimonials


I came to Tonya when I was at a crossroads in life. I was confused about my career and whether or not following my passion was the right thing to do.

In my session with Tonya, she told me that I was exactly where I needed to be and that I am on the right path. Her words gave me confidence to continue following my purpose and build my business.

My session with her helped me gain clarity and remove all self-doubt that I had.

Abhi Chand

I cannot say enough amazing things about Tonya. She has been there for me through some of my most difficult struggles.

I am someone who has struggle with addictions over the years. I have had a number of difficult challenges. To be able to have someone I can go to, to be able to help step intuitively outside myself, to an energetic level of healing that she has provided me with has been incredibly beneficial. 


Rich Fabert

I wanted to gain clarity into all the messages that had been overwhelming me. I've got some focus areas, and feel good in my guidance. After today's session, I'm excited to do some deep reflective journaling and focused release, to work out things that are blocking me.

Emily Nybo

Working with Tonya is Raw, Real and UPLIFTING!

Shell Divination was new to me before I met Tonya a few years ago. Her readings go deep. I always get clear about what is blocking me, the lessons I am being called to embrace, and what is waiting on the other side.

The Rituals she has given me throughout the years are POWERFUL and have shifted me into alignment with my Higher Self. Tonya breathes her purpose and service. I am grateful to have her on my journey. Her support has been essential to my growth.

Warmly Tavia Avila

This could be you!

Are you ready to transform your life?


Join this Course

If you are at a threshold of great change, Stuck & sitting at a crossroads. Feel as if you have no where to go, or no one that listens.

Commit to Your Success

Knowing your Gift, along with your Purpose - opens the door to an awareness of what is infinitely possible.

Live Your Best Life

By knowing you arrived with great purpose, not only allows you to live your best life, but also shows you how to greet others on their best life.

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Unlock the Power of the Elements: Dive Into Our Elemental Pathway Ebook

Elevate your understanding of the elements with our comprehensive ebook, packed with practical tools and ancient wisdom. From grounding exercises to elemental rituals, discover how to harness the power of nature in your daily life.

Sign Up Now to Access Your Elemental Spirit



Turn the Key to Unlock Your Future Starts Here.


Let's begin our journey together. Elementals Root us into our very being.  The Ancestors that came before us. The Beings of the Unseen. 

  • Infuse yourself with Nature
  • Rituals for Re-membering
  • Sacred Geometry
  • Connecting to the Sacred
  • Essential Oils/Herbs/Candles
  • A Grimoire to Journal in
  • Celtic Tree Divination eBook
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Simplified with Multiple Payment Plans




Paid Bi-Weekly

  • 6 Weekly Live Calls
  • Community Forum
  • Elemental Rituals
  • Community Connection + Observation
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Paid in Full

  • 6 Weekly Live Calls
  • Community Forum
  • Elemental Rituals
  • Community Connection + Observation
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Ancestors Speak

  • West African Divination
  • 6 Weekly Live Calls
  • Community Forum
  • Elemental Rituals
  • Community Connection + Observation
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